SAINT 8 is a fully-integrated security tool suite that combines vulnerability scanning, with penetration testing, social engineering tools and configuration assessments. Use the combined power of these tools to identify vulnerabilities on network devices, operating systems, desktop applications, Web applications, databases, and more; run packaged penetration tests through pre-configured policies, run vulnerability-specific exploits for target-directed investigation; execute social engineering through packaged exploit Tools; and execute platform-specific configuration auditing, using NIST’s SCAP standards and protocols.  SAINT 8 then provides a robust set of analysis and reporting features to perform ad hoc analytics, view strategic level results across 1 or many assessments, and then build reports from pre-defined templates, compliance reports or build your own custom reports from over 150 customizable settings. SAINT's current repository includes over 4,200 vulnerability checks and 900+ exploits - which span over 48,000 Common Vulnerability Exposures (CVEs), plus numerous vulnerabilities that do not currently have a CVE assigned. Vulnerability checks and exploit development is a daily activity, that includes delivery of new checks twice a week, through an automated plug-in. This agentless scanning solution can be delivered via a cloud-based version (WebSAINT Pro 8), deployed standalone, shared as a server-based solution, or as a multi-scanner architecture for large enterprise or load balanced scanning.

Tutorials ::

Video Tutorial :: Click Here
Exploit Tools List :: Click Here

Download :: 

Windows :: Request a Evaluation Copy
Official Website ::
Submitted By :: SAINT Corporation


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