PatrowlHears provides a unified source of vulnerability, exploit and threat Intelligence feeds. Users accesses a comprehensive and conti...
PatrowlHears provides a unified source of vulnerability, exploit and threat Intelligence feeds. Users accesses a comprehensive and conti...
WebReaver is an elegant, easy to use and fully-automated, web application security security testing tool for Mac, Windows and Linux, sui...
The OWASP Amass Project has developed a tool to help information security professionals perform network mapping of attack surfaces and p...
CommandoVM - a fully customized, Windows-based security distribution for penetration testing and red teaming. Penetration testers comm...
Raptor is an Open Source Tool, your focus is study of attacks and find intelligent ways to block attacks. Raptor is made in pure C, don’...
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS) automated pen-testing fram...
XSSYA (Cross Site Scripting Scanner & Vulnerability Confirmation) written in python scripting language confirm the XSS Vulnerabili...
Sandcat Browser is the fastest web browser combined with the fastest scripting language packed with features for pen-testers . Sandcat...
Liffy is a tool to exploit local file inclusion vulnerability using the built-in wrappers php://input, data://, and a process control ...
Nipper (short for Network Infrastructure Parser, previously known as CiscoParse) audits the security of network devices such as switche...
QualysGuard is a popular SaaS (software as a service) vulnerability management offering. It's web-based UI offers network discov...
SAINT 8 is a fully-integrated security tool suite that combines vulnerability scanning , with penetration testing , social engineering ...
IronWASP (Iron Web application Advanced Security testing Platform) is an open source system for web application vulnerability testin...
Dll Hijack Auditor is the smart tool to Audit against the Dll Hijacking Vulnerability in any Windows application. This is one of the c...
Lynis is a Security and system auditing tool to harden Linux systems. Lynis is an auditing tool for Unix/Linux (specialists). It sca...
iScan Online is the vulnerability scanning solutions for Computing and Mobility. iScan Online delivers its vulnerability scanning ...
Beast-Chec k is a small perl script that checks a target server whether it is prone to BEAST vulnerability via target preferred ciphe...
Flunym0us is a Vulnerability Scanner for Wordpress and Moodle designed by Flu Project Team. Flunym0us has been developed in Python ...
Bizploit is the first Opensource ERP Penetration Testing framework . Developed by the Onapsis Research Labs, Bizploit assists secur...
OWASP CSRFTester is a tool for testing CSRF vulnerability in websites . Just when developers are starting to run in circles over Cross...