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HookMe is a TCP Proxy or Data Tamper and HookME is a software designed for intercepting communications by hooking the desired process and hooking the API calls for sending and receiving network data (even SSL clear data). HookMe provides a nice graphic user interface allowing you to change the packet content in real time, dropping or forwarding the packet. It also has a python system plugin to extend the HookMe functionality.
It can be used for a lot of purposes such as:
  1. Analyzing and modifying network protocols
  2. Creation of malware or backdoors embebed into network protocols
  3. Protocol vulnerability memory patching
  4. Firewall at protocol layer
  5. As post explotation tool
  6. whatever you can create with plugins using your imagination 

Download Here :: HookMe  
Source :: https://code.google.com/p/hookme/


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