Swift is an innovative new programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa
Touch. Writing code is interactive and fun, the syntax is concise yet
expressive, and apps run lightning-fast. Swift is ready for your next iOS and OS X project — or for addition into your current app — because
Swift code works side-by-side with Objective-C.
Swift is a new programming language for creating iOS and OS X apps.
Swift builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints
of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming patterns and adds
modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun.
Swift’s clean slate, backed by the mature and much-loved Cocoa and
Cocoa Touch frameworks, is an opportunity to reimagine how software
development works.
Swift is the result of the latest research
on programming languages, combined with decades of experience building
Apple platforms. Named parameters brought forward from Objective-C are
expressed in a clean syntax that makes APIs in Swift even easier to read
and maintain. Inferred types make code cleaner and less prone to
mistakes, while modules eliminate headers and provide namespaces. Memory
is managed automatically, and you don’t even need to type semi-colons.
Swift has many other features to make your code more expressive:
- Closures unified with function pointers
- Tuples and multiple return values
- Generics
- Fast and concise iteration over a range or collection
- Structs that support methods, extensions, protocols.
- Functional programming patterns, e.g.: map and filter
Interactive Playgrounds
Playgrounds make writing Swift code incredibly simple and fun.
Type a line of code and the result appears immediately. If your code
runs over time, for instance through a loop, you can watch its progress
in the timeline assistant. The timeline displays variables in a graph,
draws each step when composing a view, and can play an animated
SpriteKit scene. When you’ve perfected your code in the playground,
simply move that code into your project. With playgrounds, you can:
- Design a new algorithm, watching its results every step of the way
- Create new tests, verifying they work before promoting into your test suite
- Experiment with new APIs to hone your Swift coding skills
Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL). The
debugging console in Xcode includes an interactive version of the Swift
language built right in. Use Swift syntax to evaluate and interact with
your running app, or write new code to see how it works in a script-like
environment. Available from within the Xcode console, or in Terminal.
Designed for Safety
Swift eliminates entire classes of unsafe code. Variables are
always initialized before use, arrays and integers are checked for
overflow, and memory is managed automatically. Syntax is tuned to make
it easy to define your intent — for example, simple three-character
keywords define a variable (var) or constant (let).
The safe patterns in Swift are tuned for the powerful Cocoa and
Cocoa Touch APIs. Understanding and properly handling cases where
objects are nil is fundamental to the frameworks, and Swift code makes
this extremely easy. Adding a single character can replace what used to
be an entire line of code in Objective-C. This all works together to
make building iOS and Mac apps easier and safer than ever before.
Fast and Powerful
From its earliest conception, Swift was built to be fast. Using
the high-performance LLVM compiler, Swift code is transformed into
optimized native code, tuned to get the most out of modern Mac, iPhone,
and iPad hardware. The syntax and standard library have also been tuned
to make the most obvious way to write your code also perform the best.
Swift takes the best features from the C and Objective-C
languages. It includes low-level primitives such as types, flow control,
and operators. It also provides object-oriented features such as
classes, protocols, and generics, giving Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
developers the performance and power they demand.
Ready Today
You can begin using Swift code immediately to implement new
features in your app, or enhance existing ones. New Swift code co-exists
along side your existing Objective-C files in the same project, making
it easy to adopt. And when iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite are released this
fall, you can submit apps that use Swift to the App Store and Mac App
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iTunes :: Click Here
Swift :: Click Here
Official Website :: https://developer.apple.com/swift/
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