SubBrute is a community driven project with the goal of creating the fastest, and most accurate subdomain enumeration tool. Some of the magic behind SubBrute is that it uses open resolvers as a kind of proxy to circumvent DNS rate-limiting. This design also provides a layer of anonymity, as SubBrute does not send traffic directly to the target's name servers.
Installation & Use:
No install required for Windows, just cd into the 'windows' folder:
- subbrute.exe
Easy to install: You just need and python2.7 or python3. This tool should work under any operating system: bsd, osx, windows, linux...
(On a side note giving a makefile root always bothers me, it would be a great way to install a backdoor...)
Under Ubuntu/Debian all you need is:
- sudo apt-get install python-dnspython
On other operating systems you may have to install dnspython manually:
Easy to use:
- ./
Tests multiple domains:
- ./
or a newline delimited list of domains:
- ./ -t list.txt
Also keep in mind that subdomains can have subdomains (example:
./ > gmail.out
./ -t gmail.out
Download: Subbrute v1.2.1
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