Evasi0n Jailbreaking tools available for Apple iOS 7 users. This jailbreak utility/tool made by Evad3rs team after 3 months of iOS 7...
Evasi0n Jailbreaking tools available for Apple iOS 7 users. This jailbreak utility/tool made by Evad3rs team after 3 months of iOS 7...
Harald Scan is a Bluetooth Scanner for Linux and Mac OS X. Harald Scan is able to determine Major and Minor device class of device,...
Vega is a free and open source scanner and testing platform to test the security of web applications. Vega can help you find and valid...
OWASP Mantra is a Free and Open Source Browser Based Web Security Framework . OWASP Mantra is a collection of free and open source ...
Websecurify is a web application security testing suite designed from the ground up to provide the best combination of automatic and...
The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. It ...
Nexpose is a vulnerability management software , proactively scans environment for misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, and malware a...
Ophcrack is a free Windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It is a very efficient implementation of rainb...
Maltego is a forensics and data mining application. It is capable of querying various public data sources and graphically depicting t...
TrueCrypt is an powerful open source disk encryption system for operating system Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. Users can encrypt e...
sqlmap is usable tool for sql injection. This is a time reducing process then manual process. sqlmap is an open source penetration te...
WebScarab is a framework that analyze applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It is written in Java , and is...
OSSEC HIDS is an Open Source Host-based Intrusion Detection System that performs log analysis, file integrity checking, policy monitor...